A short while ago, I found myself, thanks to a bizarre sequence of events, in possession of an old Bod Pod, a medical device that measures BMI by measuring air displacement. These are, I’m told, still quite popular at some clinics. This one popped up on Facebook Marketplace, and the moment I saw it I had to have it.
I’m sure you can probably guess why I had to have it. The moment I saw it, I wanted to cover it with silicone and turn it into a gigantic ovomorph, the alien eggs from the Alien movies.
Covering the Bod Pod with silicone ought to make a pretty good facsimile; the original practical movie prop eggs were made of silicone, so it’s really just a question of getting the texture and color right.
The pod has been sitting in my living room taking up space for months. I’ve recently gone to work on the project, and I think it might turn out even better than I expected!
I originally planned to do a photo shoot with a large number of immense tentacles sprouting from the egg, dragging a Helpless Victim™ inside to be impregnated with the alien parasite. So I spent some time designing a 3D printable tentacle that can be printed in sections. The prototype tentacle is 9 feet, 4 inches long, and believe me, it was tricky to make—not just because casting a silicone piece that big is hard, though it is, but because it’s difficult to find floor space for a nine and a half foot mold.
Once I had a proof of concept done, I turned to the Bod Pod itself.
The back of the Bod Pod is removable with a set of latches, though there’s a design flaw; the bolts that hold the latches to the door are a little too long, and they interfere with the latches themselves.
Once I got the back panel off, the first thing I discovered is a giant 15″ subwoofer mounted inside.
This isn’t so that people getting BMI scans can groove to phat beats during the procedure. The speaker is used as a sensitive air displacement sensor; there’s a linear amplifier connected to the voice coil.
It’s a clever bit of engineering, turning a giant speaker into an air displacement sensor, but the speaker itself still works as a speaker. I knew there had to be a use for it, so I posted on Facebook “what should I do with this?” and one of my friends suggested “pipe the sound of an alien heartbeat into the pod!” Another Facebook friend said, “and you can find cheap Bluetooth amps on Amazon!”
I love my Facebook friends.
Amazon turned up a small Bluetooth amp and speaker driver for cheap, which I mounted to the speaker, and sure enough, it lets me play sounds from my iPhone or my computer.
And, of course, the Internet being what it is, it didn’t take long to find a suitable heartbeat audio file. Nice and dull and thumpy and very very sinister.
The inside of the Bod Pod has quite a lot of space. I just this week found myself in possession of a brand-new goat-milking machine for free…
…and I’m sure if you’re reading this, your mind went to the same place mine did.Why not cover the hoses and teat cups with silicone, to create tentacles that attach to the Helpless Victim’s breasts, pulling and tugging and sucking on them as she squirms and writhes within the egg? I was already planning a tentacle that would violate the Helpless Victim’s mouth, of course, so nipple suction seemed an obvious part of the whole alien ovomorph tentacle violation experience.
The milking machine fits easily inside the equipment bay:
Since the machine uses air displacement to measure BMI, there were already various tubes and hoses passing from the equipment bay to the inside of the pod.
Removing these was straightforward, and offered an easy way to pass the tubes for the milking machine into the inside of the pod.
Once these tubes and the inside of the pod are covered in silicone, this should look pretty terrifying. 😃
I’m also planning to put additional short tentacles that hang down around the Helpless Victim and drip slime, because I am old-school that way. I firmly believe you can’t have a proper alien violation experience without slime. Any Helpless Victim who’s been ravished by alien tentacles should come away from the violation completely gooey. Fight me.
Anyway, I am planning to line the inside of the pod with silicone, so I thought, if I’m going to do that, the bench should (obviously) have a vibrating alien tentacle grinder in the middle. I’ve started working on designing a 3D printable mold for the seat cover; the design isn’t that far along yet, but you can see where I’m going with it:
The goal is to have a gigantic alien egg that will trap the Helpless Victim within its confines while it molests the victim’s body in strange and horrifying ways before finally releasing the victim, now a host for the alien parasite, onto an unsuspecing world, naked and gooey and craving new hosts.
Callout to the Internet
This project is nowhere near being finished yet, but I’d like to start planning ahead. It’s unlikely to be done before midyear 2025 at the earliest. I’m looking for anyone in the Portland area who might have studio space or some other large, enclosed area to set up a photo shoot. If you have a space like that or know someone who does, please let me know!
I’ve also had another photographer and a couple of people express interest in being part of the project, for an alien violation photo shoot. So I figured, given that this thing is very hard to move (it weights hundreds of pounds!) and that the photo shoot is going to involve a lot of logistics and be a generally huge pain to set up, why not make a day of it?
So, if you’re a photographer or a model and this sounds interesting to you, let me know! I’ll probably do a more formal call for models and photographers next year, like with a signup form and stuff, but hey, if the project interests you, start thinking about it now.
Who knows? If it gets enough interest, I might even do a run of Team Tentacle T-shirts for the folks who participate!