The young lady walks alone down the deserted street, between the dim pools of light from the wide-spaced streetlights. The neighborhood, once a busy industrial area now falling into decay, is deserted. Not another soul disturbs the quiet night.
She is distracted by a streak of light across the sky, a ball of fire slashing the night with a long, glowing trail. A meteor? As she stands transfixed, it grows larger and larger. Her heart races. A meteorite? A loud crack splits the air. With a dull boom, the object crashes to earth behind a decaying warehouse only a few blocks away.
She hurries down the road, driven by curiosity. At the warehouse, she finds a hole in the pitched roof, its edges still glowing. A dim orange light glows through broken windows. A strange crackling hiss reaches her ears.
She picks her way carefully across a rubble-strewn parking lot, abandoned so long plants have begun sprouting through holes in the asphalt. She finds a door, partly open, a rusted chain long ago cut by vandals, and squeezes inside. In the gloom beyond, she sees a faint radiance streaming around a pile of long-abandoned junk. Shadows seem to move and dnce in the corners. Her heart beats faster. She edges farther into the vast space, cautious and alert. Stars gleam through the hole in the roof.
From the corner of her eye, she catches a quick hint of motion. She takes a step back toward the safety of the door, the outside. Another quick motion—did she imagine it? She takes another step back. A sound comes to her, like the scuffle of feet on the dusty concrete floor. She turns to run, but it is already too late. The drones come at her from the darkness, far too fast, impossibly agile, sleek black bodies and long, grasping arms, and there are so many of them…
She screams as they catch her, their long bony claws strong and unyielding. They are hideous, unlike anything she’s ever seen before, tall and angular, their black bodies armored with glossy chitin. They drag her toward the center of the room, toward the fading glow behind the pile of detritus…
She screams again when she sees it, the capsule, its heat shield still radiating waves of heat that warm her skin. From the hatch, the thing emerges, a slick wet body surrounded by writhing masses of tentacles that reach for her… She screams again, fighting desperately to escape, but the drones lock her in their grip. They hold her arms out as though presenting her to the writhing, tentacled mass before her.
The tentacles take her in their grip, tearing her clothes from her body. She cries out in fear and shock. Instantly, one of the tentacles forces its way into her mouth, sends a gush of something warm and thick down her throat. Her head spins. She floats away from her body, watching from the outside as it embraces her in strong, rubbery, slick tentacles. They slide over her bare skin, probe for entry between her legs, slide up inside her, and then ecstasy unlike anything she’s ever known…
That was basically the start of a fun, hot fantasy between me and my Talespinner. You have to be careful with the spinning of tales, because there’s never any telling where they might end up.
We spun all sorts of scenarios from this starting point, not realizing where it would lead: to an odd anatomical experiment, several hours in a 3D modeling program, and ultimately to a new type of sex toy.
The tentacles slide over her skin, thrust into all of her openings, fill her with gush after gush of thick slime, splatter her body with it. She surrenders to pleasure overwhelming, pleasure beyond anything she ever dreamed possible, until at last she succumbs and darkness swallows her.
She wakes, maybe hours later, maybe days, naked and covered in thick slippery goo, with memories of ecstasy beyond imagining still ringing through her. She staggers from the warehouse, driven by a hunger she cannot name.
A few blocks away, she stumbles across a seedy bar, a red neon sign above the door advertising “Drinks! Dancing! Drinks Dancing!” A young man is just leaving. He looks at her, startled, as she approaches, a nude woman, skin slick and glossy with slime. “Hey, are you okay?” he says.
That’s as far as he gets before the pheromones hit. Instantly, his knees buckle and his eyes go glassy. A moment later, he is in her arms, kissing her frantically, grinding his hips against her. She pulls at his clothes, stripping him right there in the street in front of the club, desperate to feel that overwhelming ecstasy once more.
He enters her with a groan. She barely feels it; instead, she becomes aware of something inside her, within her, something that folds around his erection, pulsing, pulling him deeper. He kisses her again, even more urgently. She slides her tongue between his lips. His eyes open wide in surprise as her tongue unfolds in his mouth, sliding deeper and deeper, down his throat. A long flexible ovipositor extends from the thing inside her, sliding down his erection, probing for his entrance, slipping easily up his ass. He thrashes and moans as ecstasy crashes through him, humping her helplessly, lost beyond reason in pleasure he cannot understand or control. She feels her own release, the flood through her tongue down his throat and up into his ass, exquisite beyond compare.
She releases him. He slumps unconscious to the ground, still dripping. A woman steps out of the bar, dressed for partying: short microskirt, haltar top with a UV-reactive cat on the front. Her eyes widen when she sees the unconscious man on the grouund. “Hey!” she cries. “What do you think you’re doing—” Then the pheromones hit, and she is helpless, unresisting, compliant as the young woman embraces her. Her tongue slides down her throat. A thick, pulsing appendage extends from between her legs, sliding into her…
There’s something kind of fun about the idea of an alien parasite that drives its host to a frenzy of uncontrolled lust, something living within its host that steals the host’s pleasure, forcing the host to a frenzy of mindless copulation but preventing the host from reaching orgasm in the normal way.
So of course we thought, how can we make that happen?
And this was Project Ladybug born.
It should properly be “Project Ladybits,” but my iPhone doesn’t like that word, and I didn’t notice when it auto(in)corrected “ladybits” to “ladybug.”
Anyway, the goal of the project is a custom-fitted soft silicone insert, shaped precisely to fit the wearer, with a stroker like a Fleshlight built in, so that the host cannot feel or gain pleasure from the intercourse. The final version of the toy will have an alien mouth surrounded by tentacles, that wrap around the host’s legs to hold it firmly in place.
The first part of Project Ladybug was making a cast of my Talespinner’s ladybug—err, ladybits. That turned out to be trickier than we’d anticipated. We used dental alginate, a female condom, and a lot of trial and error, and after several tries finally got it to work.
The initial attempts failed, due to the alginate setting too quickly (solved by using cold water to mix a new batch) and too much wiggling around (solved by her rather clever idea of using a canning funnel to provide support as the alginate set). A large syringe, a female condom, and a canning funnel later…

…and we had a successful cast.
That created a new problem, because my Talespinner lives in Springfield, alginate is fragile, and I was concerned it wouldn’t survive the trip home.
As an emergency backup, I used my phone to make a 3D scan of the cast, then embedded the cast in casting plaster to make a durable mold.

This caused a bit of a ruckus at TSA, by which I mean “they searched my luggage, took it out, passed it through the X-ray machine twice, swabbed it for explosives twice, then shut down the security lane and called for a supervisor, who took one look at the X-ray, said ‘oh, I know what that is,’ and waved me through.
I have no idea what he thought it was, but no matter.
Back home, I cracked open the mold…

…and brought the shape into a 3D modeling program for cleanup and building a 3D printable mold to cast silicone.

I am, as I type this, printing a mold on my 3D printer to cast this shape. This is a test mule, a simple check to test fit and size. Ideally, if this shape fits her properly, I will then remove the handle on the end and replace it with the alien parasite stroker, and cast it in soft silicone.

Variations on fantasy monster penis dildos are all well and good, but if you’re going to go with the alien monster sex theme, lean into it, I say!