I’ve had an idea for a while now to make a writhing, wriggling tentacle strapon that moves around on its own, likely controlled by an Arduino or similar microcontroller and stepper motors. In my vision of the horrifying Cthulhu tentacle future, it would have proximity sensors on the harness, so that it reaches toward anyone who comes close.
So, in my quest to make the nightmare real, I’ve been experimenting with a 3D printed core that can be threaded with control cables. Once I have this bit down, I plan to cover the core with a body-safe silicone tentacle sheath.
I’ve started experimenting with printing the core from soft, flexible TPU filament, so that I don’t need to print each segment separately with a ball joint.
The core, once I’d threaded it with monofilament line, worked pretty well!
Of course, I do feel a bit sorry for anyone who breaks into my place in the middle of the night. Such a person is likely to get a bit of a shock…