
Experiments with a Writhing Tentacle

I’ve had an idea for a while now to make a writhing, wriggling tentacle strapon that moves around on its own, likely controlled by an Arduino or similar microcontroller and stepper motors. In my vision of the horrifying Cthulhu tentacle future, it would have proximity sensors on the harness, so that it reaches toward anyone who comes close.

So, in my quest to make the nightmare real, I’ve been experimenting with a 3D printed core that can be threaded with control cables. Once I have this bit down, I plan to cover the core with a body-safe silicone tentacle sheath. 

I’ve started experimenting with printing the core from soft, flexible TPU filament, so that I don’t need to print each segment separately with a ball joint.

The core, once I’d threaded it with monofilament line, worked pretty well!

Of course, I do feel a bit sorry for anyone who breaks into my place in the middle of the night. Such a person is likely to get a bit of a shock…


New Prototype: The Tentacle Beatstick!

Fresh from the mold, literally finished as I was packing to fly to Springfield for a few weeks with my Talespinner: The Tentacle Beatstick!

I made this prototype for her other boyfriend, seeing as how the two of them are both into rather heavy impact play.

And “rather heavy” is the theme here: this thing is nearly a pound of silicone.

If you like thud rather than sting, and you want to be able to fuck your partner with the same implement you use to hit them with (insert “beat off” pun here), the Tentacle Beatstick has you covered. This thing is all about the thud; it’s the only impact toy I know of that beats out the Dread Koosh Flogger for serious, heavy impact.

I’ll likely make a few minor changes to the design, based on the results of the first beta test, which I’m pleased to report produced some rather heavy bruises on a bottom’s bottom that is remarkably difficult to bruise.

It’s got suckers on both sides, for double the tentacle violation fun when used as an insertable.

Once I’m back home and I’ve had time to refine the design a bit, I’ll likely make these available on the storefront, for those of you who share the twin tastes of thumpy percussion and tentacle violation. Watch this space!


Project Ovomorph

A short while ago, I found myself, thanks to a bizarre sequence of events, in possession of an old Bod Pod, a medical device that measures BMI by measuring air displacement. These are, I’m told, still quite popular at some clinics. This one popped up on Facebook Marketplace, and the moment I saw it I had to have it.

I’m sure you can probably guess why I had to have it. The moment I saw it, I wanted to cover it with silicone and turn it into a gigantic ovomorph, the alien eggs from the Alien movies.

Covering the Bod Pod with silicone ought to make a pretty good facsimile; the original practical movie prop eggs were made of silicone, so it’s really just a question of getting the texture and color right.

The pod has been sitting in my living room taking up space for months. I’ve recently gone to work on the project, and I think it might turn out even better than I expected!

I originally planned to do a photo shoot with a large number of immense tentacles sprouting from the egg, dragging a Helpless Victim™ inside to be impregnated with the alien parasite. So I spent some time designing a 3D printable tentacle that can be printed in sections. The prototype tentacle is 9 feet, 4 inches long, and believe me, it was tricky to make—not just because casting a silicone piece that big is hard, though it is, but because it’s difficult to find floor space for a nine and a half foot mold.

Once I had a proof of concept done, I turned to the Bod Pod itself.

The back of the Bod Pod is removable with a set of latches, though there’s a design flaw; the bolts that hold the latches to the door are a little too long, and they interfere with the latches themselves.

Once I got the back panel off, the first thing I discovered is a giant 15″ subwoofer mounted inside.

This isn’t so that people getting BMI scans can groove to phat beats during the procedure. The speaker is used as a sensitive air displacement sensor; there’s a linear amplifier connected to the voice coil.

It’s a clever bit of engineering, turning a giant speaker into an air displacement sensor, but the speaker itself still works as a speaker. I knew there had to be a use for it, so I posted on Facebook “what should I do with this?” and one of my friends suggested “pipe the sound of an alien heartbeat into the pod!” Another Facebook friend said, “and you can find cheap Bluetooth amps on Amazon!”

I love my Facebook friends.

Amazon turned up a small Bluetooth amp and speaker driver for cheap, which I mounted to the speaker, and sure enough, it lets me play sounds from my iPhone or my computer.

And, of course, the Internet being what it is, it didn’t take long to find a suitable heartbeat audio file. Nice and dull and thumpy and very very sinister.

The inside of the Bod Pod has quite a lot of space. I just this week found myself in possession of a brand-new goat-milking machine for free…

…and I’m sure if you’re reading this, your mind went to the same place mine did.Why not cover the hoses and teat cups with silicone, to create tentacles that attach to the Helpless Victim’s breasts, pulling and tugging and sucking on them as she squirms and writhes within the egg? I was already planning a tentacle that would violate the Helpless Victim’s mouth, of course, so nipple suction seemed an obvious part of the whole alien ovomorph tentacle violation experience.

The milking machine fits easily inside the equipment bay:

Since the machine uses air displacement to measure BMI, there were already various tubes and hoses passing from the equipment bay to the inside of the pod.

Removing these was straightforward, and offered an easy way to pass the tubes for the milking machine into the inside of the pod.

Once these tubes and the inside of the pod are covered in silicone, this should look pretty terrifying. 😃

I’m also planning to put additional short tentacles that hang down around the Helpless Victim and drip slime, because I am old-school that way. I firmly believe you can’t have a proper alien violation experience without slime. Any Helpless Victim who’s been ravished by alien tentacles should come away from the violation completely gooey. Fight me.

Anyway, I am planning to line the inside of the pod with silicone, so I thought, if I’m going to do that, the bench should (obviously) have a vibrating alien tentacle grinder in the middle. I’ve started working on designing a 3D printable mold for the seat cover; the design isn’t that far along yet, but you can see where I’m going with it:

The goal is to have a gigantic alien egg that will trap the Helpless Victim within its confines while it molests the victim’s body in strange and horrifying ways before finally releasing the victim, now a host for the alien parasite, onto an unsuspecing world, naked and gooey and craving new hosts.

Callout to the Internet

This project is nowhere near being finished yet, but I’d like to start planning ahead. It’s unlikely to be done before midyear 2025 at the earliest. I’m looking for anyone in the Portland area who might have studio space or some other large, enclosed area to set up a photo shoot. If you have a space like that or know someone who does, please let me know!

I’ve also had another photographer and a couple of people express interest in being part of the project, for an alien violation photo shoot. So I figured, given that this thing is very hard to move (it weights hundreds of pounds!) and that the photo shoot is going to involve a lot of logistics and be a generally huge pain to set up, why not make a day of it?

So, if you’re a photographer or a model and this sounds interesting to you, let me know! I’ll probably do a more formal call for models and photographers next year, like with a signup form and stuff, but hey, if the project interests you, start thinking about it now.

Who knows? If it gets enough interest, I might even do a run of Team Tentacle T-shirts for the folks who participate!


The Making of a Xenomorph Facehugger

I just shipped a commission of a xenomorph facehugger gag, and the client had asked me to take photos of the process of making it, so I thought, hey, why not write an essay showing how the entire process works? Each facehugger gag and hiphugger strapon is hand-made in a rather lengthy and quite fiddly process, using medical-grade platinum-cure silicone cast in 3D printed molds. The facehugger mold is a 7-part mold that’s extremely fiddly to use.

I currently only make and sell one facehugger and one hiphugger per month, because the process is so demanding and fiddly. I’m looking at ways to make the process easier, starting with moving away from 3D printed molds. (I’d hoped each mold would be good for about ten castings, but right now I’m only getting 2-3 castings from each mold. The entire facehugger mold takes about two weeks to print, so this is clearly unsustainable.)

Anyway, if you want to learn more, read on!

Each facehugger starts with the ovipositor, which goes in the wearer’s mouth. The ovipositor is hollow and has a tube running down it, to make it possible to squirt…um, fluids into the helpless victim.

The mold has a round plug for attaching a food-grade silicone tube, as you can see here. Once the tube is slid onto the plug, I assemble and clamp the mold, routing the tube out so it doesn’t touch the sides of the mold, then fill it with silicone.

The ovipositor is made from a type of silicone that’s different from the rest of the facehugger. The facehugger itself (the body, legs, and tail) are made from the same sort of silicone that’s normally used for dildos and such. The ovipositor is a very soft (Shore hardness 00-20), fleshy silicone that’s normally used for Fleshlights. This gives it a super-soft, “fleshy” feel in the mouth. When it’s cast, it looks like this:

Once the silicone cures, I mount the ovipositor, still in the mold, to the underside fo the body mold, which is a one-piece plate, and then add some more silicone, to adhere the ovipositor to the body.

If you look closely, you can see the tube running out the right hand side.

While this cures, I pour the tail. The tail is cast in a three-piece mold, printed in a spiral to fit my large-format 3D printer. (The facehugger mold can’t be printed on a normal 3D printer; it’s much too big.)

What’s that small piece? Good question! I’ll get to that in a second. 🙂

If you look closely at the tip of the tail, you’ll see there’s a hole through the mold on one side. I’ll get to that in a minute too.

The tail mold is assembled, clamped, and cast using regular silicone, not the super-soft squishy silicone of the ovipositor.

The tricky thing about the facehugger gag is the assembled mold is closed all the way around; there’s no place to fill it with silicone. Hence the third part of the tail mold, which goes on top of the tail like so.

I pour the tail by filling the mold with silicone. The mold is closed at the bottom, which creates a tricky problem: how to fill the entire mold without getting air trapped inside the spiral?

That’s where the hole comes in. As silicone flows into the tail, air flows out that little hole. I know the mold is completely full when silicone flows from the hole in the tip of the tail, at which point I plug the hole and clean off the silicone.

Now I wait again for the tail to cure. The tail, ovipositor, and silicone mounting the ovipositor to the body plate must all be 100% cured before I move on to the next step.

Once everything is solidly set, I pry the top piece off the tail. This creates a “plug” or extension of the tail that is the exact size and shape of the opening in the body mold, so I can fill the body, then assemble the body and tail, and the facehugger holds together without any opening to pour the silicone! (It took quite a lot of work and thought to come up with this way to assemble the mold.)

Now it’s time to start assembling the body. The facehugger body is a 3-part mold: the bottom plate, where the ovipositor mounts, and the left and right sides of the upper body.

Because the facehugger legs are wide and bumpy, the first several prototypes I cast had air trapped in the legs. So I finally started casting these by pouring silicone into the open mold, waiting until it was juuuuust reaching the end of its pot life and starting to get tacky, and then quickly assembling the mold, clamping it, inserting the tail, and clamping it. That takes timing and coordination and has to be done all at once (and if I get it wrong, it’s expensive; the medical-grade silicone I use is more than $200 a gallon!).


You can see the body mold has a notch cut out for the tube that runs through the ovipositor. Routing the tube through the body is actually fairly tricky and requires careful attention, so that it doesn’t touch the edge of the mold.

Once the whole thing cures, all that’s left is to mount the straps! The xenomorph facehugger gag is held in place by two sets of adjustable straps mounted to the legs, which is why the upper and lower legs are jointed together with little “bridges.”

The straps are nylon webbing, riveted together and connected to quick-release latches.

At this point, I’m still experimenting with the design, so every single facehugger is slightly different from all the others. This particular facehugger does something new: the tube for the ovipositor is removable, and connects to the body of the facehugger via a one-way valve. (I didn’t take any photos of that bit before I shipped this one out.)

As you can see, making these things is a complex and kind of nerve-wracking process. That’s why I will only make two a month. I’m working on ways to streamline the process and make it less labor-intensive, at which point I can start making them faster, because a lot more people than I ever would have imagined have said they want one of these.


Project Ladybug

The young lady walks alone down the deserted street, between the dim pools of light from the wide-spaced streetlights. The neighborhood, once a busy industrial area now falling into decay, is deserted. Not another soul disturbs the quiet night.

She is distracted by a streak of light across the sky, a ball of fire slashing the night with a long, glowing trail. A meteor? As she stands transfixed, it grows larger and larger. Her heart races. A meteorite? A loud crack splits the air. With a dull boom, the object crashes to earth behind a decaying warehouse only a few blocks away.

She hurries down the road, driven by curiosity. At the warehouse, she finds a hole in the pitched roof, its edges still glowing. A dim orange light glows through broken windows. A strange crackling hiss reaches her ears.

She picks her way carefully across a rubble-strewn parking lot, abandoned so long plants have begun sprouting through holes in the asphalt. She finds a door, partly open, a rusted chain long ago cut by vandals, and squeezes inside. In the gloom beyond, she sees a faint radiance streaming around a pile of long-abandoned junk. Shadows seem to move and dnce in the corners. Her heart beats faster. She edges farther into the vast space, cautious and alert. Stars gleam through the hole in the roof.

From the corner of her eye, she catches a quick hint of motion. She takes a step back toward the safety of the door, the outside. Another quick motion—did she imagine it? She takes another step back. A sound comes to her, like the scuffle of feet on the dusty concrete floor. She turns to run, but it is already too late. The drones come at her from the darkness, far too fast, impossibly agile, sleek black bodies and long, grasping arms, and there are so many of them…

She screams as they catch her, their long bony claws strong and unyielding. They are hideous, unlike anything she’s ever seen before, tall and angular, their black bodies armored with glossy chitin. They drag her toward the center of the room, toward the fading glow behind the pile of detritus…

She screams again when she sees it, the capsule, its heat shield still radiating waves of heat that warm her skin. From the hatch, the thing emerges, a slick wet body surrounded by writhing masses of tentacles that reach for her… She screams again, fighting desperately to escape, but the drones lock her in their grip. They hold her arms out as though presenting her to the writhing, tentacled mass before her.

The tentacles take her in their grip, tearing her clothes from her body. She cries out in fear and shock. Instantly, one of the tentacles forces its way into her mouth, sends a gush of something warm and thick down her throat. Her head spins. She floats away from her body, watching from the outside as it embraces her in strong, rubbery, slick tentacles. They slide over her bare skin, probe for entry between her legs, slide up inside her, and then ecstasy unlike anything she’s ever known…

That was basically the start of a fun, hot fantasy between me and my Talespinner. You have to be careful with the spinning of tales, because there’s never any telling where they might end up.

We spun all sorts of scenarios from this starting point, not realizing where it would lead: to an odd anatomical experiment, several hours in a 3D modeling program, and ultimately to a new type of sex toy.

The tentacles slide over her skin, thrust into all of her openings, fill her with gush after gush of thick slime, splatter her body with it. She surrenders to pleasure overwhelming, pleasure beyond anything she ever dreamed possible, until at last she succumbs and darkness swallows her.

She wakes, maybe hours later, maybe days, naked and covered in thick slippery goo, with memories of ecstasy beyond imagining still ringing through her. She staggers from the warehouse, driven by a hunger she cannot name.

A few blocks away, she stumbles across a seedy bar, a red neon sign above the door advertising “Drinks! Dancing! Drinks Dancing!” A young man is just leaving. He looks at her, startled, as she approaches, a nude woman, skin slick and glossy with slime. “Hey, are you okay?” he says.

That’s as far as he gets before the pheromones hit. Instantly, his knees buckle and his eyes go glassy. A moment later, he is in her arms, kissing her frantically, grinding his hips against her. She pulls at his clothes, stripping him right there in the street in front of the club, desperate to feel that overwhelming ecstasy once more.

He enters her with a groan. She barely feels it; instead, she becomes aware of something inside her, within her, something that folds around his erection, pulsing, pulling him deeper. He kisses her again, even more urgently. She slides her tongue between his lips. His eyes open wide in surprise as her tongue unfolds in his mouth, sliding deeper and deeper, down his throat. A long flexible ovipositor extends from the thing inside her, sliding down his erection, probing for his entrance, slipping easily up his ass. He thrashes and moans as ecstasy crashes through him, humping her helplessly, lost beyond reason in pleasure he cannot understand or control. She feels her own release, the flood through her tongue down his throat and up into his ass, exquisite beyond compare.

She releases him. He slumps unconscious to the ground, still dripping. A woman steps out of the bar, dressed for partying: short microskirt, haltar top with a UV-reactive cat on the front. Her eyes widen when she sees the unconscious man on the grouund. “Hey!” she cries. “What do you think you’re doing—” Then the pheromones hit, and she is helpless, unresisting, compliant as the young woman embraces her. Her tongue slides down her throat. A thick, pulsing appendage extends from between her legs, sliding into her…

There’s something kind of fun about the idea of an alien parasite that drives its host to a frenzy of uncontrolled lust, something living within its host that steals the host’s pleasure, forcing the host to a frenzy of mindless copulation but preventing the host from reaching orgasm in the normal way.

So of course we thought, how can we make that happen?

And this was Project Ladybug born.

It should properly be “Project Ladybits,” but my iPhone doesn’t like that word, and I didn’t notice when it auto(in)corrected “ladybits” to “ladybug.”

Anyway, the goal of the project is a custom-fitted soft silicone insert, shaped precisely to fit the wearer, with a stroker like a Fleshlight built in, so that the host cannot feel or gain pleasure from the intercourse. The final version of the toy will have an alien mouth surrounded by tentacles, that wrap around the host’s legs to hold it firmly in place.

The first part of Project Ladybug was making a cast of my Talespinner’s ladybug—err, ladybits. That turned out to be trickier than we’d anticipated. We used dental alginate, a female condom, and a lot of trial and error, and after several tries finally got it to work.

The initial attempts failed, due to the alginate setting too quickly (solved by using cold water to mix a new batch) and too much wiggling around (solved by her rather clever idea of using a canning funnel to provide support as the alginate set). A large syringe, a female condom, and a canning funnel later…

…and we had a successful cast.

That created a new problem, because my Talespinner lives in Springfield, alginate is fragile, and I was concerned it wouldn’t survive the trip home.

As an emergency backup, I used my phone to make a 3D scan of the cast, then embedded the cast in casting plaster to make a durable mold.

This caused a bit of a ruckus at TSA, by which I mean “they searched my luggage, took it out, passed it through the X-ray machine twice, swabbed it for explosives twice, then shut down the security lane and called for a supervisor, who took one look at the X-ray, said ‘oh, I know what that is,’ and waved me through.

I have no idea what he thought it was, but no matter.

Back home, I cracked open the mold…

…and brought the shape into a 3D modeling program for cleanup and building a 3D printable mold to cast silicone.

I am, as I type this, printing a mold on my 3D printer to cast this shape. This is a test mule, a simple check to test fit and size. Ideally, if this shape fits her properly, I will then remove the handle on the end and replace it with the alien parasite stroker, and cast it in soft silicone.

Variations on fantasy monster penis dildos are all well and good, but if you’re going to go with the alien monster sex theme, lean into it, I say!


First test of the v3.0 Facehugger Gag!

I’ve finalized the v3.0 mold for the Xenomorph Ovipositer Facehugger Gag. This version is considerably lighter (about half the weight!) of the v2.0 design, with thinner sacs, a deeper groove for the wearer’s nose, and other design features to increase comfort. Because, after all, if you’re going to be orally violated by an alien parasite, you ought to be comfortable, right?

I’ve cast two of the v3.0 gag, one brown and beige, one white with glow-in-the-dark pigments. I had a chance to beta test and photograph the glow-in-the-dark prototype a couple of nights ago, and it worked even better than I ancicipated!

When it’s charged with a UV flashlight, the silicone glows quite intensely. This glow fades after about five or ten minutes, but it continues to glow at reduced brightness for a couple of hours.

The model here is wearing the v3.0 facehugger gag and the xenomorph nipplehugger pasties, also in glow-in-the-dark silicone:


Hard at work on new projects!

Haven’t updated in a while, but mad science is still happening here at! I’ve been experimenting with glow-in-the-dark silicone pigments, and also finished a new, lighter, more comfortable version 3.0 Xenomorph Facehugger Gag, now suitable for more…extended wear.

I’ve done a test cast of the Spikey Silicone Butt Plug in glow-in-the-dark pigment, which glows rather nicely, I think:

And I’ve made some Xenomorph Tithugger Pasties in the same color. They aren’t as interesting as I’d hoped in strong light, but they glow rather wickedly in the dark. I may experiment with combining the glowing pigment with other pigments, to see if I can create glowing toys that also look interesting in the light.

And finally, the v3.0 Xenomorph Facehugger Gag! You can get a sense of what a beast this mold is as the gag emerges from the mold. These take about three days to cast, and require five separate pours.

I’ll be beta-testing the facehugger gag later this week. For those of you who missed the last beta test, the v1.0 Xenomorph Facehugger Gag worked well, but testing revealed several areas where the design could be improved, and improved it’s been.

These will be available soon, stay tuned!


A Xenomorph Hiphugger Strapon of your very own!

Whilst the extended polyamorous netowork and I were in Barcelona, we took time out from seeing the Sagrada Familia and doing…um, other stuff to take a ton of photos of the xenomorph sex toy prototypes.

I’m still working through the mass of photos, bit by bit, but in the meantime I’ve actually put the hiphugger strapon up for sale!

That’s right, now you can order your very own hiphugger, for all your xenomorph ovipositor violation needs.

These things each take about three days of fussy, fiddly work to make, so for the foreseeable future I will only make one of them a month. First come, first served, and yes, they’re expensive.

If you order one, I’ll make it specifically for you, in whatever color you like.

We had a ton of fun doing the photo shoot, and got pics of some other xenomorphic goodness as well, including the xenomorph pacifiers and nipple pasties. (Yes, I made xenomorph pacifiers and nipple pasties. What can I say? My parents brought me to see Alien when I was, like, 12 or so, and it scared the holy hell out of me for the next thirty years.)

Now my nightmares are yours too. You’re welcome.


A couple more photos!

Two more photos for your viewing pleasure, one of the xenomorph hiphugger strapon (with the Borg Queen xenomorph cosplay, of course) ad one of the facehugger gag.

First, the Borg Queen hiphugger strapon:

The vertebrae and other parts of the costume are 3D printed directly onto fabric which is then sewn onto the costume. This is the very first usable hiphugger strapon, and the only one with a detatchable tube for making it squirt.

Here’s another shot of the version 1.1 xenomorph facehugger gag:

This gag features an ovipositor made of very soft squishy silicone that extends into the wearer’s mouth, the better to introduce the alien eggs, of course.

The version 1 facehugger is a trifle wide and quite heavy. The 2.0 facehugger will be narrower, with thinner sacs.

I haven’t made the molds for the version 2 mold yet, but the design looks good!


A sex toy three years in the making

I printed the very first test mule/boilerplate 0.1 Alpha 1 of what eventually became the Xenomorph Hiphugger Strapon three years ago today. The design changed SO much from that first test print!

The final design looks so different from this first print, which I used to test size and proportions before I started designing molds.